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Project's property section

Learn what information and options you can define at the project level.

Julie Bennett avatar
Written by Julie Bennett
Updated over a week ago

Updated 18th December 2023

General information about a project can be found on both on the left and right panes of the project screen.

At the very top of the left pane you will find:

  • The logo of your customer (PSOhub will automatically search for it and display it here)

  • The Name of your project

  • The Project number automatically generated by PSOhub

  • A series of Activities that you can leverage at the project level.

In the section just below you will find additional project properties.

You can modify most of this information (via the Edit button at the bottom of the pane or by clicking on the ellipse button (...) in the middle pane and selecting Edit).

The only property that cannot be modified is the Total Project Value field.

The table below explains the purpose of the project information fields:

Project field



If you have created this project via a HubSpot deal, you will find that the project will carry the same name as the deal. You can modify or overwrite it if you want. If the project came from a contact or a company in HubSpot, PSOhub will include the contact/company's name in the project's name.
If you have created the project directly in PSOhub, you will find here the same name as the one specified when creating the project.


If your project comes from a HubSpot deal, Salesforce or Dynamics opportunity, the currency of that deal/opportunity will carry across to PSOhub.

If you created the project directly in PSOhub, you can manually select the required currency. The currency first needs to be created in the Currency settings.


Here, you can define a project type. A project type will allow you to categorize your project and filter on this parameter for reporting purposes.

PSOhub delivers a number of standard project types but you can modify them or create your own in the Project settings.


You can enter here further details regarding this project.

Start Date

By default, PSOhub will display the creation date of the project; you can change it if necessary.

Expected end date

You can specify the expected end date for the project.

Deal Amount

If you have created this project via a HubSpot deal, you will find the value of that deal here. If you haven't, you won't find any value here but can specify one if you want to.

Due Days Invoice

This field relates to the payment terms of your organization. It will be leveraged by PSOhub when generating an invoice and establishing the due date displayed on the invoice. By default, PSOhub will display the value entered in the Invoice settings; you can leave it as is or modify it should it be different for this project.

Invoice detail level

You can set the level of detail of your invoices either to Summary or Detailed:

  • Summary: PSOhub will generate an invoice with a summary page at the contract line level.

  • Detailed: PSOhub will generate an invoice with a summary page as well as an annex detailing the entries for each contract line. The annex will only be generated for T&M and Expenses contract lines since Fixed Fee contract lines do not take into consideration time entry but only the value specified in the Amount field.

Invoice language

You can define here the language displayed on the invoices of this project.

If you have only one language defined in the Invoice Settings it will be automatically displayed in this field.

If you have defined two languages, the one marked as the default language will be automatically displayed in this field. You can change it by clicking the drop down arrow of the field will allow you to select the second language.

This setting is only valid for invoices sent directly to the customer and with the standard invoice layout of PSOhub. It doesn't apply to invoices leveraging a PSOhub custom invoice template nor to invoices sent to your accounting software.

Smart invoice status

You can set the default status of the invoices generated from your smart contracts to Draft OR Approved and Send in which case the invoice will be automatically approved and then sent directly to the customer. If you integrate with a financial back-end solution, the invoice will be booked automatically in your financial system.


Depending on which financial software you have integrated with PSOhub, you may want to specify here the project's PO number or any reference number/code that will then appear on the invoice.

If you are leveraging PSOhub to send your invoices directly to your client, you can also enter a specific name/description here that will be displayed on the invoice sent to your customer.

Invoice contact

You will identify here the contact person to whom the invoices of this project will be sent.

Project Manager

The person identified here will oversee the project in his/her Project dashboard as well as will be identified as the sender of the invoices of this project if there is no default value in the Invoice Settings (Sender will be displayed as follows: John Doe - Company A <>. )

Business unit

Here, you can select your organization's legal entity, department, team, divisions, etc who owns the project. Business units are defined in the organization settings.

Internal project

A project defined as internal will allow you to track time spent on non-external/billable projects; e.g. internal meetings, R&D, business development etc.

You can change your project to an Internal project at any time until you start invoicing, as soon as you generate an invoice this option will no longer be available.

Total Project Value

This is a calculated field and is not available for modification. It represents the total value of the Total Amount (excluding expenses) of your contract lines.

Once you have validated and/or modified this section, click Save.

Additional information

In the right-hand pane you will find the company name and contact(s) related to this project:

  • If you have created your project via a deal in HubSpot/Salesforce/Dynamics any contact identified at the deal level will also be created in PSOhub and displayed here. Furthermore, any contact related to the company in HubSpot will also be created in PSOhub.

  • If you have created your project directly in PSOhub, you will find the company previously selected and you will want to identify one or multiple contacts for this project.

  • As for Hours, Expenses and Invoices these sections will be populated as the project unfolds.

Project files

You are able to attach or link files related to this project by clicking the Files tab in the middle pane.

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