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Book expenses

Understand how to book expenses in PSOhub

Julie Bennett avatar
Written by Julie Bennett
Updated over a week ago

Updated 26th August 2024

In this article you will learn how to book expenses against your projects.
Take a look at the short video below and/or for more information, please read the full article.

In PSOhub, expenses can be registered for invoicing or to keep track for internal administrative purposes.

There are two ways to book expenses:

  1. In the Expenses overview if users do not have access to the project

  2. Directly in the project for users who have access to the project.

Log expenses in the Expenses overview

If the user does not have access to the project, expenses can be logged in the Expenses overview. In order to book expenses, choose from the menu Time & Expenses and Expenses.

When the Expenses overview appears, click the Create button:

The Expense dialog appears where you can log the expense details:

As with time entries you have to select an Expense date, Customer, Project and Line ID.

In addition to these fields, you will need to specify the following information:




Expense categories are used for reporting purposes; they allow you to filter or sort by one or multiple categories. Out of the box PSOhub provides you with four standard expense categories. You can choose one of them or leave this field blank.


You can enter a description for the expense.

Amount including Tax

You can specify the total amount including taxes.

Sales tax %

PSOhub will display the value defined in the Invoice settings of your Organization info. If you have specified a tax category at the contract line, it will display this value instead.

Amount excluding Tax

This field will automatically be calculated by PSOhub. This is the value that PSOhub will use and display in the Amount field of an expense contract line. It is also the value that PSOhub will leverage for billing purposes.

Tax amount

This field will automatically be calculated by PSOhub and represents the tax amount of this expense.

Add attachment

You can attach one or multiple digital receipts or other documentation to the expense entry.

Once you are done completing your expense entry, click Save. It will now appear in the Expenses' list. If you have attached a document to the expense, you will see a paper clip displayed at the far right of the line:

Log expenses directly in the project

If you have access to projects, open the project and in the right-hand pane, under Expenses click Show all related expenses:

The project's expenses overview appears with any existing expenses. Click Create to log a new expense entry:

The Expense dialog box appears with the Customer, Project and Line ID fields pre-populated:

The Expense date can be edited as well as the Line ID if there are multiple expense contract lines. The remaining fields should be completed (where necessary) as explained in the field table above. Click Save when done.

The new expense will appear at the top of the overview list:

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