The creation of a milestone can be done from any plan whether it is related to a project or not.
In either the Plan view or List view, create a new task by clicking the + icon of a task list in the Plan view or on an empty task labelled Add task in the List view:
In the task list, enter the name for the task:
Click on the new task and the task properties will appear:
An explanation of the Task fields are below:
Field | Description |
Task title | Enter the name of your milestone.
Note: The milestone name must not contain the apostrophe character ('). |
Assign to project members | Assign this milestone to one or multiple resources.
Assign to business unit | Some organizations have different departments where they are collaborating in a project. Tasks will be distributed and executed across the different departments.
Here, you can assign a task to a resource or to a department, otherwise known as a business unit. |
Assign to role | If the resource is unknown, the role required to complete the task can be selected. |
Start date | Defaults to today's date. |
Duration (days) | You can enter the number of days here and PSOhub will automatically calculate the due date. You can also leave this field blank and define a due date in the next field; PSOhub will automatically calculate the duration in days. |
Due date | If you have entered a duration in the previous field, PSOhub will automatically populate this field. If you haven't entered a duration in days, you will want to enter an end date here. |
Effort (Hours) | Enter the estimated work effort in hours to complete the task. The effort is irrespective of the start and due dates. I.e., if a task is scheduled between 10 working days, the effort remains 8 hours and not 8 hours x 10 days.
The effort will also appear in the Gantt chart in the Effort column.
The effort can be modified in the task card or task list: Task effort can be pushed into the project's workload sheet to see the total project budget and hours. Refer to this article for more information. |
Used (Hours) | Hours booked against this task. You will be able to see how much time has been spent against the effort (budget). |
Priority | Set the level of priority of this task (n/a; Low; Medium; High). |
Status | By default, this task will be set to the status To do. Once your project is started the project member(s) assigned to this task will update it until it is completed. |
Advanced Settings |
Set as milestone | You will only check this box if you want to create a milestone. You can also determine if you want to invoice once a milestone has been met. |
Click Save.
A milestone will be identified by a flag when in the List view or Plan view of your tasks.