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Team Member Plus

What access level does a Team Member Plus have?

Claudette Albers-Reid avatar
Written by Claudette Albers-Reid
Updated over 8 months ago

A Team Member Plus has the same rights as a team member but will have access to viewing the project information for projects they are a member of. By project information we mean, all hours and expenses, team members, tasks and files.

Editing and deleting of data is only allowed for their own hours, expenses and tasks. They have access to the Personal dashboard.

In the User Management and Users settings, select the user and click on the ACCESS & ROLES tab:

In the Access level field, select Team Member and click Save.

When the user signs in, the main menu bar is restricted to only the Projects, Plans and Time & Expenses modules. They will have no access to the organizational settings:

The Projects module

In the Projects module, the user will see their own projects but without any financial information. In the Projects overview, the user will see the project's Planned, Used and Remaining hours as well as the health Alert status:

When a project is selected, the project's contract is displayed with its contract lines confirming the Planned vs Used Hours and Remaining hours only:

The Plans module

In the Plans module, the user will see their own tasks, all tasks, and boards for projects he/she are assigned to.

My Tasks view

The user will have an overview of their assigned tasks and grouped into categories:

  • Overdue

  • Due Today

  • Upcoming

  • Unplanned

Boards view

When the user clicks on Boards, he/she will have access to all plans for projects that they are members of:

All Tasks view

When the user clicks on All Tasks, he/she will have access to all tasks for projects that they are members of:

The Time & Expenses module

In the Time & Expenses module, the user will be able to log their own time and expenses and book absence.


This user will only have access to their Personal Dashboard when clicking on the PSOHUB logo.

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