Created 4th October 2023
In PSOhub, it is possible to import contact persons from other companies other than the project's customer contacts. There are cases when projects are in collaboration with multiple companies, and from these companies multiple contact persons are required to receive a copy of sent invoices who are not necessarily the project's main customer.
Important: Import stakeholder contacts is only supported from the CRMs HubSpot or Salesforce and from the financial software Xero, Exact Online, and QuickBooks Online.
When you're in your project, you will see your company contacts that have either been manually entered in PSOhub, or imported from a HubSpot or Salesforce deal. These contacts are stored in PSOhub's Contacts list. One of these contacts is normally selected as the invoice contact person. In the example below, Alpine Ski House is the project's customer and the contacts are displayed in the Contacts section. Initially, one of these contacts would be the invoice contact in the left-hand pane:
To import new stakeholders, click on the Stakeholders tab:
In the Stakeholders tab, click on the Add Stakeholder(s) button:
The Search or Import stakeholders into PSOhub window appears. Here, you can select from where you want to import a stakeholder(s), depending on your CRM and financial software integrations:
Click on one of the above tiles to indicate which solution you wish to import the contacts from and the following window will appear. For this example, we'll select QuickBooks, where you can search by the contact's first name, last name or email address:
When you click Search the results will return. If you require additional contacts, you can continue to search for them until you are complete. Notice, that the contacts below are from multiple companies:
If a contact you're searching for already exists in PSOhub, you will see an exclamation mark icon in the Exists in PSOhub column of the search window:
Important: When an existing contact(s) is imported as a stakeholder, PSOhub will not create duplicates. Instead, it will merge the contact IDs to avoid any data corruption.
To import the found contacts, check the box for all contacts or for individual contacts, before clicking the Import button:
These contacts will now appear in the Stakeholders tab of your project:
Before you can invoice, these stakeholders need to have a role assigned to them to identify who they are in relation to the project (Budget Holder, CEO, Champion, Legal, etc), who is the primary contact person and who is to be in CC or BCC of the invoice. To achieve this, in the Stakeholders list, click on the contact's name or company (as shown in the above screenshot) to edit the stakeholder. The following window will appear:
In the Role drop-down list, select the stakeholder's role in this project. You can pre-define the stakeholder roles in your organisation's Project settings.
In the Invoicing drop-down list, you can select whether the stakeholder is to be the Primary invoice contact, who will replace any other invoice contact already selected in the project, or if they will be in CC or BCC of the emailed invoice.
Note: Multiple stakeholders can be added as CC and/or BCC. There can only be one primary stakeholder.
Stakeholders can also be removed from the project at any time and replaced by another. Simply click on the Remove as stakeholder button.
Click Save to return to the Stakeholders list. The primary contact will appear in bold and you will see in the project's left-hand pane, that the same contact is now the Invoice contact and not one related to the project's customer in the right-hand pane, under Contacts. The other stakeholders have been identified as the contacts to be in CC and BCC of the emailed invoice:
Generate invoice
When generating an invoice, PSOhub will apply the primary stakeholder's email address and office address, instead of the project's customer contact details. In the above example, the project's customer is Alpine Ski House. The primary contact, Greg Bishop is from the company Happy Times:
When you preview the draft invoice, you will see the contact details of the primary stakeholder:
Send invoice to financial software
When you send the invoice to your chosen financial software, you will be able to see the stakeholders (primary, cc and bcc). The below example is for QuickBooks Online:
You can see Greg Bishop is the primary contact for the company Happy Times and not the project's customer, Alpine Ski House.
In the Customer email field, you can click on the links cc(1)/Bcc(1) to display the stakeholders selected as the cc and bcc contacts:
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